green woodworking furniture
Introduction to green woodwork part 1: splitting a log for green woodworking. the techniques of green woodworking cross many disciplines, from boat and house building to expressive arts, furniture-making and home crafts. many of our customs, expressions and works of art have been inspired by these traditions.. Jennie alexander, aka ja (1930-2018) passed away on july 12, 2018 after a long and full life. her passions for greenwoodworking came through very clearly in her writing, teaching and collaborations with other woodworkers. she cherished the connections she made through woodworking, and kept in contact with both old and new friends right up to the end.. Quite simply "green woodworking" is the shaping of wood into useful items whilst the moisture content is still high, preferably before even the free moisture within the cells is lost. green wood behaves very differently to seasoned wood and can be shaped by cleaving along or slicing through the turgid…. Remodelaholic | before/after living room renovation
What is the most expensive wood in the world? - the basic
green woodworking furniture