eucalyptus wood kitchen cabinets
Eucalyptus - eucalyptus grandis and eucalyptus urophylla general description • coloration varies from a light salmon to a deeper red • with exposure to uv light, the pigments darken slightly • as far as hardness it is most often compared to maple • it is a closed-grain wood, and is harder than oak physical properties • janka rating system = 1125 (higher janka rating = harder wood. Home building with eucalyptus wood. eucalyptus is a dark-red hardwood that has been referred to as a "new" building material by forest products company, weyerhaeuser. it's long, straight-grain. Classic grey rta cabinets featuring medium grey stain on recessed panel eucalyptus grandis. excellent quality, plywood, box, soft-close. quick shipping.. eucalyptus wood kitchen cabinets