how to get wood in botw
Chances are if you're visiting this guide it's because you're looking to gather 30 wood in the legend of zelda: breath of the wild for your house. if so, you've come to the right place.…. The rito village stable has a good amount of logs just sitting around that you can blow up for bundles of wood. then you can take care of the trees around there. travel out, travel back. more wood. i got about 80 bundles relatively quickly this way.. Bro it takes like 5 min to get 50 if you're actually in a forest. chop a bunch so they fall in a pile and toss a bomb. 7-9 bundles easy. the north-western stables tend to have a lot of wood bundles just laying around. [botw] the world's most accurate master sword replica. carbon steel, bronze hilt, gold plated inlates, full tang blade.. Zelda: breath of the wild guide: from the ground up side
Zelda: breath of the wild - how to buy a house and
how to get wood in botw
To max out your wood bundles from x1 to x999 using medallion method takes approx. 1-2 hours. thank you for being beautiful! livestreamed..